Thursday 24 December 2009

Give an old or lonely person a present

Merry Christmas in advance to everyone who reads this blog :-)

My suggestion for niceness this Christmas is this: almost all of us know of an old person or housebound person in the street, who will be lonely this Christmas. Go out and buy them a present and drop it off, nicely wrapped up :-) Or even just give them a Christmas card. I am absolutely certain it will brighten their day huge amounts.

Of course the next stage up for that is if you want to, invite them over for Christmas! They might say no, but they might be thrilled and come and have a lovely time. Obviously only invite people who aren't axe-murderers :-)

Or if you don't know anyone local, go and buy a nice shareable present and give it to the local care home/nursing home to be shared amongst the residents. I'm sure there will be lonely people in those places too and that a present would just make their day.

And again - Merry Christmas everyone!

Friday 18 December 2009

Help people in the snow

So, it's snowing in quite a few places at the moment. And it's gorgeous and amazing!

But take a moment to remember all the people who actually find it really hard to deal with - and help them out!

If you see an old person tottering along on the icy pavements with a stick, try asking them politely if they want a hand. I did that today and not only had a lovely chat with the lady and got wished a Merry Christmas, but she also had a huge smile on her face and really seemed like I had made a good difference to her day. So ask nicely - my lady said she was ok but when I asked if she'd like a hand, she said yes.

And if you don't see any old people needing a hand out in the street, maybe ask someone old or housebound if you can pick them up any shopping whilst you're out. I generally ask my neighbours this but whilst they've not said yes yet, I think they appreciate the offer :-)

So that's my nice suggestion for the day! I hope you're all enjoying the snow :-)