Friday 18 December 2009

Help people in the snow

So, it's snowing in quite a few places at the moment. And it's gorgeous and amazing!

But take a moment to remember all the people who actually find it really hard to deal with - and help them out!

If you see an old person tottering along on the icy pavements with a stick, try asking them politely if they want a hand. I did that today and not only had a lovely chat with the lady and got wished a Merry Christmas, but she also had a huge smile on her face and really seemed like I had made a good difference to her day. So ask nicely - my lady said she was ok but when I asked if she'd like a hand, she said yes.

And if you don't see any old people needing a hand out in the street, maybe ask someone old or housebound if you can pick them up any shopping whilst you're out. I generally ask my neighbours this but whilst they've not said yes yet, I think they appreciate the offer :-)

So that's my nice suggestion for the day! I hope you're all enjoying the snow :-)

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