Wednesday 21 October 2009

Being Nice and Kind - blog/website stickers!

I've made some stickers for you to use if you want to. These will let you show the world what a Nice blog or website you have!

Here is the code:
<div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" width="150" src=""/></a></div>

or you can use this one:

Here is the code:
<div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" width="150" src=""></a></div>

Monday 19 October 2009

Get a cheerful bumper sticker!

Entirely inadvertantly I made someone smile today

She'd just read my bumper sticker from Glastonbury that reads 'Warning: Invisible Dragon in back seat'


Saturday 17 October 2009

Save the Frogs!

If you go to this link, you can upload a photo of yourself cuddling an animated frog! As a benefit, you're also supporting saving the frogs!
How lovely is that!

Don't worry, be happy

As I rather inadvertantly discovered today, even just making yourself smile can spread the happiness.

I was driving out of the supermarket carpark, boogying away to "Happy Days" which happened to be playing on the radio, when I realised a 60 year old guy was watching me rather curiously, with a broad smile on his face. I like to think that smile translated into a kind action of his own later on.

Later on today, we're going to have a bonfire to deal with all our garden waste and also put some nutrients back into the soil. But we're only going to build it a little beforehand because remember! Burning hedgehogs is NOT a happy thing at all! :-\

This is our bonfire :-)

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Nice whilst ill

Well, the last two days have been tricky ones for squeezing in some being nice, as I've had an attack of the raging hormones and my boyfriend has been struck down with a migraine. But there's always room for niceness in the world, even if it does end up being accompanying by some background grumpiness.

So I smiled at all the shop assistants whilst I was buying in our comfort food, said thankyou as they served me, and then I went home and fed my boyfriend humungous amounts of food to try and help him feel better. He's currently considering the benefits of two different flavours of Ben & Jerry's icecream :-)

Sainsbury's currently have Buy 1 Get One 1 free on all big Ben & Jerry's icecream tubs!
So if you want to be nice - go and buy a tub for you, and give the spare one to your partner or your friend that really needs an attack of yummy, eco-friendly comfort food! All their European icecream is climate neutral - and with anything involving cows, that's pretty good. So getting down to Sainsburys and buying lots of ice cream is not only nice for you, and nice for your lucky friend or partner, it's also nice to the world (in preference to buying another icecream anyway!). And no, I don't work for them - I just like icecream ;-)

Sunday 11 October 2009

I also like small things that make me smile

So I may also write about small things that make me smile. Being bounced on by a 7 week old puppy yesterday for example (sorry, no photo, I will work on that!). Getting a free hifi from our local freecycle network (amazing not only for the free, but also the fact that I can now play lots of records from charity shops!)

Hopefully all these small happy things will also make you, my lovely reader smile - and so perhaps in that sense I will not be straying from the purpose of this blog after all.

But for a nice start, here's a photo I took in February this year - tiny snowman with Innocent smoothie hats on :-) It made me smile a lot :-)

Being Nice

Since going through a really hard and painful time in life, I've started to again be able to tell how good it feels to give to other people. Be in through a smile to the checkout girl, letting someone into the traffic lane, bringing someone a cake - it's all amazing!

And the absolute best thing is that it can take so little effort. And once you're nice to someone, the chances are that they'll be nice to someone else - or at least not mean (I suppose it depends how bad a mood they had been in). Niceness breeds niceness.

This could be such a big thing. Once you're nice to someone, you feel great. And they feel great. That's two people who are now probably going to go and be nice to other people. Who will then be nice to other see where I'm heading. And the things you're nice with, don't just have to be smiling at the checkout girl. It could be spending an hour a month volunteering to visit an old person to chat. Or giving something away rather than taking it to the tip. Donating to charity. Clearing up your environment. Or planting daffodils.

I want that kind of feeling good in my life - I love seeing people smile and things become better because of me. I can't imagine anything more satisfying. I'm going to use this blog to write about nice things I've tried - how I did it, what it felt like. You can try them too! Let me know how they go! Together we could make this something really good :-)